From passion for nature a new line of barleys was born.
Our blends combine the thirty year-expertise in the world of herbs to the careful selection of the best raw materials to create a blend with unique and touching taste.

From the combination of the soft and embracing barley aroma with the strenght of the gingseng root comes this new blend, ideal for everyone who look for the revitalising proprieties of this famous root.
Suitable machines:Macchine compatibili: EL3100 Espresso Lavazza Evoluzione; EL3200; EP800; EP 2100; EP 2101; EP 2110; EP 2111; EP 2140 Espresso point 24V;EP2200; EP2210; EP 2300; EP2301; EP2302; EP2303; EP2310 Dosatore; EP 2311: EP2312; EP2313; EP2400; EP2410; Cappuccinatore; Espresso Point Matinée. GRIMAC:Corallo, Terry Opale. SGL: Rotary; Capsy, Goldstar. @SPRESSO.IT:Jet, Plus, JetPlus, Steam, NewF1; New F1 JetPlus; New F1 Splus, Cubo, Pro 2+1manuale, Pro 2+1 elettronica. KIMBO:Kapsula. DALTIO:Piazza.