Nutraceutical Tea
The products of L’Istituto Erboristico Angelica respect this philosophy and they supplement the normal diet with selected substances able to maintain the physiological functions of our organism, with a view to promoting a general state of well-being. To formulate our products we select the best functional herb extracts studied and approved by the scientific community.

Low fibre diet and sedentary life slow down bowel movement causing fullness feeling and sense of discomfort.
Rhubarb, Liquorice and Fennel help smooth and easy bowel movement and stimulate the digestive functions and intestinal transit.
Suitable machines: EL3100 Espresso Lavazza Evoluzione; EL3200; EP800; EP 2100; EP 2101; EP 2110; EP 2111; EP 2140 Espresso point 24V;EP2200; EP2210; EP 2300; EP2301; EP2302; EP2303; EP2310 Dosatore; EP 2311: EP2312; EP2313; EP2400; EP2410; Cappuccinatore; Espresso Point Matinée. GRIMAC:Corallo, Terry Opale. SGL: Rotary; Capsy, Goldstar. @SPRESSO.IT:Jet, Plus, JetPlus, Steam, NewF1; New F1 JetPlus; New F1 Splus, Cubo, Pro 2+1manuale, Pro 2+1 elettronica. KIMBO:Kapsula. DALTIO:Piazza.