Valerian extract is traditionally used to relieve mild nervous tension and sleep disorders. Other preparations of root are used in folk medicine to relieve mild symptoms of mental stress and promote sleep. The action of Valerian is probably due to a synergy of its multiple and different components that, by acting on different receptors in the brain, they both help sedative activity (which is therefore not entirely attributable to valepotriates).
We do not recommend the use of essential drugs of valerian root in children under 12 years of age, as there is insufficient information on the safety of the product for this age group.
* Essential oil (0.5-1.5%) containing:
- Hydrocarbons monoterpenic: a-pinene, fenchene, camphene, (3-pinene, limonene etc.
- Terpene alcohol
- Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon: beta-bisabolol etc.
- Cetoni terpene: isovalerianato Bornyl
- Terpene aldehydes: valeranale
* 0.5-2% of valepotriates:
* 0.1% of alkaloids: valerianina (sedative), actinidina, Valerina etc.
The fresh root is virtually odourless: during drying appears the typical smell due to the liberation of the acid isovalerianic.