It can be used in the form of infusion or decoction, also associated with other balsamic and expectorant plants or fluid extract, or syrup, to calm the cough and loosen the phlegm. Mucilage lenitive contribute to the action on the walls of the bronchial mucosa, thus protecting them from further aggression. There are no particular contraindications for taking the plantain. It is advisable to avoid the use in case of known allergy to plants of the genus Plantago. The leaves of plantain contain iridoid glycosides, flavonoids (luteolin), mucilage, tannins, pectins, salico acid, mineral salts. The presence of these ingredients gives the plant property bechiche, expectorant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, astringent. The anti-inflammatory action of the plantain is due to aucubines, which through hydrolysis frees a genina bicyclic named aucubigenina. This active ingredient has marked anti-allergic and decongestant properties, whose mechanism of action is expressed in the inhibition of the synthesis of inflammatory mediators. For external use, plantain is healing, soothing, anti-itching, decongestant, it is indicated in cases of dermatoses, small skin lesions, acne, eyelid and eye inflammations of an allergic nature.
- Iridoids and phenolic compounds: flavonoids, phenolic acids, esters eterosidici fenipropanolici (verbascoside, plantamajoside)
- Mucilage (6.5%), iridoids (aucubine), flavonoids, tannins (5%), silicic acid (1%), minerals (zinc and potassium), traces of essential oil ...