With the characteristic and pleasant flavour, it has always fallen within "flavouring" ingredients in the composition of various herbal teas. The plant has interesting stomachic and antispasmodic properties and, due to these characteristics, is indicated in digestive hypotone, in flatulence and in general in the regulation of digestive functions. It is particularly active in the epigastric pain characterized by stomach spasms and palpitations (anxiety) and in the symptomatic treatment of neurodystonics states of adults and children, particularly in the minor disorders of sleep. The Lemon Verbena, besides favouring the gastric function, improves skin health: can thus fall into the drainage formulations for those individuals who have skin problems (dermatoses in general). The essential oil shows analgesic properties, epidermis stimulant and anti-neuralgic. For external use the essential oil of Verbena is used in the formulation of different preparations for the body thanks to its soothing and relaxing characteristics.
- essential oil (0.1 -0.2%): citral 38; limonene 6%; terpene alcohol (linalool, terpineol ...); sesquiterpenes (caryophyllene); flavonoids (salvigenine, eupafoline, ispiduline ...)