Rich in mucilage, sticky substances of very similar to the natural gel and commonly also detectable in the mallow, the water-soluble fibers that make up the seeds greatly increase their volume on contact with water. Given this characteristic, therefore, it has for centuries been used as a natural remedy to combat constipation: in addition to increasing stool bulk, in fact, making soften the smooth ejection. Psyllium is employed for all digestive and intestinal disorders, including the need to peristalsis typical of irritable bowel syndrome regulation, to which it also adds a soothing effect and lubricated to topical external use in cases of haemorrhoids.
The treatment is also recommended between meals, to avoid accelerate the digestive processes and therefore not properly absorb nutrients.
- 10-20% mucilage: present only in the epidermis of the seed coat if Naie (> xylose and galacturonic acid, arabinose and rhamnose)
- 5-10% lipids, traces of alkaloids (plantagonina and indicaina), proteins
- iridoids (aucubine): small amounts
- alkaloids in traces