Istant Herbal Tea Purifyng
Helps liver functions
Artichoke - Cinarina - Elder - Fennel - Liquorice - Milk thistle - Oli essenzialiA natural aid in promoting the elimination of the toxins of daily life.
TISANA SOLUBILE DEPURATIVA is the natural answer to the stressful lifestyles, pollution, sedentary work, poor dietary habits which we encounter every day. The researchers of the Angelica Institute, who are at the heart of Italian Herborist tradition and research, selected Artichoke and Carduus Marianus, plants known for promoting liver function, and therefore for cleansing the body and eliminating toxins. Elderflower, rich in flavonoids, active substances with antioxidant effects which protect our body from free radicals. Fennel and Licorice for an excellent taste and for helping the good function of the intestines, another extremely important organ for maintaining our body’s shape and health.
Dextrose; Sugar; Dry licorice extract (Glycyrrhiza glabra - root) titrated to 19% in Glycyrrhiza glabra; Dry elderflower extract (Sambucus nigra – flowers) titrated to 1.8% in flavonoids such as isoquercitrin (1%); Dry extract of Carduus Marianus (Silybum marianum - fruit) titrated to 2% in silymarin; Dry fennel extract (Foeniculum vulgare – fruit) standardised in essential oils (1%); Dry extract of artichoke (Cynara scolymus – leave) titrated to 2.5% in caffeilchinic acid.
Substance with nutritional or physiological effects |
Reccomanded Dose |
Liquorice |
300 mg |
Artichoke |
50 mg |
Milk Thistle |
50 mg |
Elder |
50 mg |
Fennel |
50 mg |
1-2 sachets per day, preferably not with meals.
1-2 sachets per day, preferably not with meals.