Herbal Tea Green Coffee
Promotes the natural metabolism
Apple - Green coffeeFunctional Herbal Tea
Promotes the natural metabolism
The Green Coffee contained in our infusion is obtained from the seeds of the coffee plant, which are then dried and crushed. Seeds which have not been roasted preserve all their beneficial properties and are an ideal ally for supporting the metabolism in periods when we feel the need to get back in shape. The product is enriched with Apple, a useful fruit for limiting the absorption of the nutrients and extremely effective in low-calorie diets, and with Fennel, with its characteristic scent and taste. Combined with a healthy lifestyle and a varied and balanced diet, infusions are the ideal remedy for taking care of yourself.
Ingredients: Green coffee (Coffea arabica L./ robusta Lind. Ex De Wild-seeds) Apple (Malus sylvertris L. mill- fruit) , Fennel (Foenlculum vulgare Mill- seeds)
Green Coffee |
2,2 g |
Apple |
1,5 g |
For an excellent herbal tea, infuse a teabag for 5-7 minutes and sweeten to taste, preferably con a low-calorie sweetener. Take one cup of herbal tea twice a day, preferably far from mealtimes..