Diuresil Syrup
It gives a natural help to fight those unpleasant effects of hydric retention
Ash - Birch - Ononide - Ortosiphon - Ruscogenina - Ruscus aculeatus (butcher's-broom)A natural aid in promoting the elimination of excess fluids.
Diuresil syrup is a natural aidin countering the annoying effects (both physical and cosmetic) of waterretention thanks to the action of the herbs it contains: feeling bloated,heaviness of the legs, unsightliness in the more critical areas. The Angelicaresearchers have cleverly enriched the recipe with Fraxinus, which togetherwith Birch, Ononis and Orthosiphon, promotes diuresis, helping to eliminateexcess fluid in the body's tissues. Ruscus completes the formulation, which isideal for promoting the microcirculation and consequently countering thefeeling of heaviness in the legs. Blueberry juice adds to the recipe, and givesthe syrup an ideal taste and helps it dissolve in water.
It is also indicated for coeliacs and for those who are lactoseintolerant. Does not contain preservatives or artificial sweeteners.
Glucose syrup, water, sucrose, concentrated blueberry juice, dry extract of Orthosiphon (Orthosiphon stamineus Benth - leaf) 0,1% titanated in sinensetine, dry extract of ononide (Ononis spinosa L. - root), dry extract of birch (Betula pendula Roth - leaf) titrated to 2,5% in hyperoside (0,35%), Dry ash extract (Fraxinus excelsior L. - leaf), Dry extract of Rusco (Ruscus aculeatus L. - root) titled 10% in ruscogenin (0.2%). Contains maltodextrin.
DAILY DOSE (2 x 10ml) |
Orthosiphonextract |
260mg |
Ononisextract |
130mg |
Birchextract |
90mg |
Fraxinusextract |
84mg |
Ruscusextract52mg |
52mg |
It is recommended for adults totake 1 tablespoon (10 ml) of syrup in a glass of water (at least 200 ml) twicea day, on an empty stomach. For a positive liver protecting effect it isrecommended to take the product for a few weeks.