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With antioxidant properties

On a pleasant day spent strolling among wonderful trees, immersedin nature's sweet perfume, bewitched by the intense red of the fruit along theway. Fruits of the Forest Tea, with its intenseflavour and rich, multicoloured aroma, is a mix of flowers and fruits: thearomatic notes of Strawberry, with naturalantioxidant properties together with the berriesof Dog Rose, together with Hibiscus flowers. The antioxidantproperties of the tea will help tackle the body's oxidising processes. Alone orin company, for adults and children: the pleasure of being good to yourself.


Hibiscus (Hibiscussabdariffa – flowers), Apple (Pyrus malus – fruit), Aromas, Strawberry juice (Fragariavesca – fruit) (1.3%), Dog rose (Rosa Canina – berries) (1%), Elderberry (sambucusnigra – berries) (1%)

mg 3750
mg 78
Dog rose
mg 60

1.     method for use
For the perfect hot tea use one bag for every cup (200 ml), addboiling water without pouring it directly over the bag. Leave to infuse foraround 3-5 minutes and sweeten to taste, preferably with honey.It is recommended to have 1 infusion 3 times a day. For a refreshing summerdrink, use 5 or 6 bags per litre, add boiling water and leave to infuse foraround 5 minutes. Leave to cool and serve cold with ice and a slice of orangeor lemon.

1.     method for use
For the perfect hot tea use one bag for every cup (200 ml), addboiling water without pouring it directly over the bag. Leave to infuse foraround 3-5 minutes and sweeten to taste, preferably with honey.It is recommended to have 1 infusion 3 times a day. For a refreshing summerdrink, use 5 or 6 bags per litre, add boiling water and leave to infuse foraround 5 minutes. Leave to cool and serve cold with ice and a slice of orangeor lemon.

Istituto Erboristico L'Angelica - Coswell S.p.A. P.IVA IT00708541206
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