Wellness Tea
From out thirty-year experience, combined with the passion for nature, come our products that are developed blending only the finest herbs to get herb teas that combine functionality, wellness and taste. These blends are completely natural and can guarantee all the benefits offered by classic tea filters.

Apple, Orangeand Peachgive this infusion a sweet and intense taste that, along with the beneficial properties of Vitamins, makes each sip a sip of health.
Suitable machines: EL3100 Espresso Lavazza Evoluzione; EL3200; EP800; EP 2100; EP 2101; EP 2110; EP 2111; EP 2140 Espresso point 24V;EP2200; EP2210; EP 2300; EP2301; EP2302; EP2303; EP2310 Dosatore; EP 2311: EP2312; EP2313; EP2400; EP2410; Cappuccinatore; Espresso Point Matinée. GRIMAC:Corallo, Terry Opale. SGL: Rotary; Capsy, Goldstar. @SPRESSO.IT:Jet, Plus, JetPlus, Steam, NewF1; New F1 JetPlus; New F1 Splus, Cubo, Pro 2+1manuale, Pro 2+1 elettronica. KIMBO:Kapsula. DALTIO:Piazza.