Hawthorn is used in the treatment of disorders related to hypertension and stress due to its sedative and muscle relaxant properties. On a sympathetic nervous system level it provides an effective sedative action, wheres thanks to its vasodilator actions it regulates the heartbeat and blood pressure. The plant acts on the cardiovascular system, on the one hand by dilating blood vessel musculature, in particular coronary, whereby decreasing the peripheral resistance creates a hypotensive action, on the other hand by acting directly on the myocardium with positive inotropic effects. It is useful in cases of: atherosclerosis, menopausal disorders, nervous insomnia, in cases of dizziness, states of anxiety and tinnitus.
- 2% flavonoids: hyperoside and vitexin-2-ramnoside, glycosyl flavones
- 2-3% procyanidin oligomers (also called leucoanthocyanidin or pycnogenols)
- Phenol carboxylic acids, triterpene acids, sterols, aminopurine
- Essential oil (0.16%)