Fennel seeds have always been used, not only in adults but also in paediatrics, in dyspeptic disorders, in flatulence and spasms in the gastrointestinal tract. Its stimulating-aromatic properties have a positive effect on a gastrointestinal level, improving the tone of its apparatus; increasing, moreover, salivary, gastric secretion and coleresi. The root is diuretic: along with the roots of asparagus, butcher's broom, celery and parsley the "five roots syrup" is prepared, an old diuretic remedy. According to Leclerc the whole plant, especially when it's fresh, is highly diuretic.
- 2-6% essential oil: 50-70% trans-anethole (sweet flavour), 12-20% fencone (bitter-camphor flavour), 5-20% estragole, phellandrene-α, α-pinene, α-tuyene, lomonene and other
- Fatty oil, proteins, organic acids and flavonoids