The green tea leaves are roasted directly after the harvest loosing, compared to black tea, the caffeine content.
With the stimulating, angio-protective and mildly astringent action, the use of tea leaves is recommended in the functional asthenia, as adjuvant in slimming regimes, to promote diuresis and for the symptomatic treatment of diarrhoea.
The polyphenols present in green tea protect the cardiovascular system and have anti-inflammatory action.
The caffeine in the leaves instead stimulates the intellectual processes, the physical tone and the ability to concentrate.
The tea, thanks to the presence of polyphenols, lowers the levels of lipids in the blood, and for this reason is used in slimming therapies.
- Flavonoids
- Catechins
- Tannin
- Theine
- Theophylline
- B Vitamins