
One of the main sources of vitamin CContinua a leggere >
One of the main sources of vitamin CContinua a leggere >
Useful to protect gastrointestinal mucosa.Continua a leggere >
Stomachic and antispasmodic propertiesContinua a leggere >
Emollient and anti-inflammatory action.Continua a leggere >
Effective in the treatment of dyspepsia.Continua a leggere >
Regulator within the digestive process and an effective carminative.Continua a leggere >
Useful for controlling cholesterol, prevent cancer and heart attacks.Continua a leggere >
Choleretic and regulator of bile flow acing on lipid metabolism.Continua a leggere >
Diuretic and anti-inflammatory action.Continua a leggere >
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With diaphoretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties.Continua a leggere >
Improve eyesight, anti-aging and protect the micro-circulation, relieving heavy legs.Continua a leggere >
Choleretic and cholagogue properties that facilitate kidney and digestive functions.Continua a leggere >
Noteworthy laxative propertiesContinua a leggere >
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Anthraquinone laxative stimulating digestive functions.Continua a leggere >
Used in the treatment of disorders related to microcirculation.Continua a leggere >
Anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic propertiesContinua a leggere >
Beneficial effects on some menopausal symptoms.Continua a leggere >
Useful for promoting diuresis and purification.Continua a leggere >
Useful to purify the body and improve digestionContinua a leggere >
Regulates blood sugar and cholesterol levels, favours digestion.Continua a leggere >
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Fights free radicals and slows down the ageing of cells; increases alertness and combats depression.Continua a leggere >
With an astringent, antiseptic, disinfectant and acidifying action on the urinary tract.Continua a leggere >
Carminative and mild sedative.Continua a leggere >
Useful for improving mental and physical performance.Continua a leggere >
Effective in the treatment of chronic rheumatic diseases.Continua a leggere >
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Antiviral and immunostimulatory action that boosts the immune system.Continua a leggere >
Effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases.Continua a leggere >
Combats stress and improves mental and physical performance.Continua a leggere >
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Balsamic and fluidising activityContinua a leggere >
Effective in the treatment of dyspepsia, flatulence and spasms in the gastrointestinal tract.Continua a leggere >
Stimulates thyroid function.Continua a leggere >
Stimulates the feeling of satiety and reduces the production of cholesterolContinua a leggere >
In therapy it is widely used as an appetite stimulant, in dyspeptic forms, and achilia.Continua a leggere >
Carminative, anti-emetic and stomachic action.Continua a leggere >
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Positive action on milk secretion.Continua a leggere >
Antioxidant and toning, promotes concentrationContinua a leggere >
Useful to tackle oxidative stress and ageing; stimulates metabolism.Continua a leggere >
Antioxidant, tonic, diuretic and astringent actionContinua a leggere >
Calming and antidepressant action.Continua a leggere >
It improves mental and physical performance and helps control body weight.Continua a leggere >
Useful in the treatment of disorders related to hypertension and stress.Continua a leggere >
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Anti-inflammatory for the throat, energetic effect.Continua a leggere >
Nerve sedative and equilibrator.Continua a leggere >
Used for the treatment of vascular diseases due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-edema actionContinua a leggere >
Antidepressant and antiviralContinua a leggere >
Useful to fight cholesterol and coronary and cardiac diseases.Continua a leggere >
Antioxidant and a natural source of Omega 3Continua a leggere >
Tonic against migraines and depression.Continua a leggere >
Lavender flowers have mild sedative properties useful for headaches, migraines.Continua a leggere >
Useful to disinfect and fight bacteria; calming.Continua a leggere >
Used in the symptomatic treatment of neurotonic states of adults and children.Continua a leggere >
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From the note soothing on inflamed mucous membranes.Continua a leggere >
Effective for the treatment and prevention of liver diseases.Continua a leggere >
Stomachic properties, choleretic, antispasmodic and carminative.Continua a leggere >
Diuretic and cleansing propertiesContinua a leggere >
Regulates blood pressure.Continua a leggere >
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Excellent remedy for lack of appetite and a natural source of antioxidants.Continua a leggere >
Anti-inflammatory action on the urinary tractContinua a leggere >
Papaya is a fruit of a thousand qualities and benefits from many organsContinua a leggere >
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It stimulates the production of gastric juices and therefore is a valid remedy for digestive problems.Continua a leggere >
Draining and digestive actionContinua a leggere >
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laxative properties, anti-oxidant action.Continua a leggere >
Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action and vasorelaxingContinua a leggere >
Powerful antioxidant activity.Continua a leggere >
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It stimulates intestinal motilityContinua a leggere >
With diaphoretic, diuretic and choleretic propertiesContinua a leggere >
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Lowers cholesterol levels in the bloodContinua a leggere >
Laxative actionContinua a leggere >
Venotonic, anti-inflammatory and astringent propertiesContinua a leggere >
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Useful in case of occasional constipationContinua a leggere >
Antispasmodic, carminative and stomachic.Continua a leggere >
Useful to promote sleep.Continua a leggere >
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Important antioxidant and anti-inflammatory propertiesContinua a leggere >
Sedative, antispasmodic, hypnotic actionContinua a leggere >